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Set Type L Lock in Public Mode


Factory Default User Code (4 Digits): Please ask

Factory Default Master Code (8 Digits): Please ask


To Convert The Lock Into Multi-User 'PUBLIC' MODE:

1. Enter 8 digit master code

2. Open lock

3. Press the Logo button

4. Enter existing master code

5. Press 08

The lock is now in PUBLIC MODE


For the locker user:

1a. Open the lock

1. Enter a 4 digit number of their choice

2. Repeat the 4 digit number

3. Close the lock

4. On returning to their locker, input their 4 digit number

5. Open lock

6. The lock will now have forgotten the 4 digit number and revert back to public mode (unlocked) until a new 4 digit number is programmed...revert back to step 1a.